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Dubuque Senior High School

One of two 1600-student high schools serving Dubuque, Iowa, the Dubuque Senior High School is a historic building from 1890 that endures as a beloved architectural treasure to the community. Respecting the nuances of its original exterior became a critical component to this project, which provided overdue updates with modern amenities and ensured spaces could support a 21st-century learning program.

Improvements to the high school started with a new stadium with a later second phase created a new, secure main entrance that remains welcoming and accessible. The second phase also relocated media center functions as a central hub that is easily accessible from every wing of the building. By infilling the underutilized courtyard, the design creates an open and light-filled cafeteria with an adjacent modern kitchen. New general classrooms provide flexible spaces that adapt to various programs such as culinary arts and an expansion to the science wing provides non-specific STEM environments with shareable space to highlight student projects. The additions’ exterior are complementary and respectful of the existing exterior. The resulting additions and renovations fulfill the modern demands that a proper education deserves while observing the community’s educational legacy.

*Project completed in association with Straka Johnson Architects

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