El Paso County Law Enforcement Center

El Paso County Law Enforcement Center

Wold Architects and Engineers provided planning services to study the feasibility of creating a joint regional 911 Communications Center, Crime Lab, and Evidence facility for the El Paso County Sheriff and the City of Colorado Springs Police Department. The planning project's overall mission was to create a program, site options, and analysis for a new regional law enforcement center. Opportunities for reuse of two existing buildings concluded the sensitive nature of long-term evidence storage and workplace environments limited the utilization of below-grade existing buildings. Considering these facilities' long-term nature, it became evident that a new facility was appropriate for a potential master plan of multiple functions for this optimal site.

El Paso County was faced with the challenge of needing more space for its 911 Communications Center. After discovering that Colorado Springs was also outgrowing their current space, the two departments hired Wold to complete a study and find efficiencies with a combined building.

Wold began the study by meeting with each department member from El Paso County and Colorado Springs individually. Through meeting with the different user agencies, Wold determined each group's needs and collaborated on how the departments could function as combined units. Each department learned of the various CAD, radio, and management systems used and discussed each other's strengths and weaknesses to create a superior 911, crime lab, and evidence facility department. Discussions of collaboration and co-location also led to adding vice, narcotics and intelligent (VNI), and records areas to the facility's program.

Wold's engagement with staff gave the County and City a framework to chart a path to solicit the future for creating a joint facility. The process allowed them to realize the operational advantages and long-term savings of building a facility in which two government units can coexist in areas that provide public safety services to the area's citizens.

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