The C-11 floor of the Hennepin County Government Center held three functions: two courtrooms, sheriff’s holding, and court administration offices. After 30 years of heavy use, the C-11 floor needed modernizing. The renovations improve overall function, security, and utilization and incorporate specialty high-volume courts focused on the security of in-custody defendants.
Initially planned as separate projects, the C-11 remodel better filled Hennepin County’s needs when combined, providing benefits to organizing operations, construction cost savings, and efficiency in construction scheduling with minimal disruptions to the department operations. The solution refreshes two courtrooms with a complete remodel of the benches and reconfiguration of the layout to suit current and future operations. The C-11 Courts now accommodate modern accessibility and utilize updated AV systems to align the court functions with the 21st century. The sheriff’s holding area is now part of a secure circulation path, with a relocated control room with passive circulation visibility. The modification of the criminal division office space includes a new public transaction counter, ensuring the safety of and separation of public and staff.