Hennepin County Medical Center

In 2006 Hennepin Health identified a need to clearly define the infrastructure and asset preservation needs across their entire 2,160,000 square-foot Hennepin County Medical Center campus in downtown Minneapolis, MN. They have partnered with Wold ever since then to plan and implement these deferred maintenance and asset preservation projects. While the planning process has evolved and the tools have been enhanced to better leverage the technology of the day, this strong partnership has endured while we have implemented life safety improvements, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing projects, and maintained the integrity of the exterior envelope of the aging buildings across their campus.

The planning process began by simply cataloging and prioritizing the facility needs identified by the facilities team and has evolved into a customized facilities dashboard tool that is used to guide all facility investments across the system. The latest dashboarding tool tracks the Hennepin Health defined life cycle and performance metrics of each infrastructure element, building system, and interior finish material in their buildings and is updated with each project to provide an up-to-date current state of the facilities across their system.

Each year, Wold partners with the Hennepin Health facilities team to implement a portion of the projects identified in planning. We have completed more than 100 projects together as a team that have improved the life safety and code requirements in each of the buildings, modernized the mechanical and electrical systems throughout the campus, and replaced aged and corroded exterior building envelope and plumbing infrastructure to enhance the critical infrastructure that supports this vital campus in our community.

Our most recent planning partnership included leveraging our legacy knowledge to re-envision the future of healthcare in downtown Minneapolis. Wold partnered with the Hennepin Health team to study the current and future goals of the organization to help develop a comprehensive Campus Master Plan for the Hennepin County Medical Center campus.

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