Madison County Jail 1
Madison County Jail 2
Madison County Jail 3
Madison County Jail 4

Madison County Jail

Wold and Rosser International, Inc. provided professional services to assist Madison County in addressing the need for an expansion and renovation of the existing Criminal Justice Center and to investigate the potential for consolidating three correctional facilities, which were located on separate sites.

The project was defined by the County to include three phases. Phases 1 and 2 involved the functional and space planning for future jail needs, a condition analysis of the existing criminal justice center and jail, and concepts to explore the possibility of renovations and additions to the existing jail. Phase 3 was the preliminary design phase, schematic design and design development, and the production of contract documents, drawings, and specifications for bidding purposes.

The new construction consists of a new addition containing 384 new beds in 48-bed housing units of minimum, medium, and maximum custody levels. Other functions included in the new addition are intake, transportation, jail release and work release access areas as well as medical, classification housing, food services, laundry services, and inmate programs. Housing, except for classification housing, is configured in a ground floor plus mezzanine arrangement. Configured in a one-story arrangement are other support functions such as, intake, transportation, jail release and work release access areas, medical, classification housing, food services, laundry services, and inmate programs.

Our team completed a conventional construction utilizing prefabricated steel cells in the housing units. The building’s exterior utilized building materials that harmonized with existing components to minimize the appearance of a building addition.

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