Central Middle School 2
Central Middle School 3
Central Middle School 4
Central Middle School 1
Central Middle School 6

Central Middle School

Continuous growth in Wayzata Public Schools has required enhancements of core spaces in their existing facility to accommodate growth as well as adapting to evolving curriculum needs. This project bundled both long-term facilities maintenance (LTFM) needs as well as goals of the referendum. Referendum goals included renovations for growing student capacity, enhancing media center environments, upgrading performing arts initiatives and major site reconstruction to improve site safety for pedestrians and vehicles.

This project accomplished many items from a capacity, safety, and learning environment standpoint. Additional student capacity was putting a strain on core areas such as the cafeteria and kitchen where additional space was carved out from existing spaces. This was done so that not only could the growing number of students be served meals in a more efficient and shorter time, but also so the number of lunch shifts can be reduced to alleviate scheduling conflicts. The media center was renovated to meet goals and criteria set forth by the District’s media center core group to allow the new media commons to provide more relevant resources to today’s learners. The existing auditorium was renovated in addition to a wing of classrooms as part of LTFM to replace components that exceeded their useful life. The exterior site was completely reconfigured to separate vehicle and bus traffic, enhance pedestrian safety, as well as replace athletic amenities such as a sports dome and artificial turf field.

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